First Priority
Auto Coverage
Types of Coverage
Collision Coverage
This is the basic insurance type that covers your vehicle if you collide, or run into, something. This covers collisions with other cars as well as if you were to run into a wall, barrier or bridge.
Comprehensive Coverage
This covers anything that may happen to your car that is not directly related a collision. This would in – clude things such as theft, fire, hitting a deer or van – dalism.
Liability Coverage
This type of coverage covers the damages when you are at fault in an accident and you damage someone else’s car or property. Liability coverage is often mandated by law, so it is important that you as the driver make certain you have an adequate amount
Medical Payments
This is also called PIP in some states. Medical payments pay for any injuries to the driver or passengers that occur if an accident occurred while you were driving. Medical payment insurance varies from state to state, so make certain you are covered as expected.
Now that you understand a bit more about the different types of auto insurance available, you are probably ready to find the right coverage for you. The best way to do this is to work with an independent agency that will allow you to compare insurance quotes online. By doing this, you can rest assured you are getting the best deal as well as getting the personal attention you need.